This course will cover the foundational elements of the Christian faith. Week to week there will be historical, theological, and practical issues that are examined respective to each line of the Apostles’ Creed.
Credits - 3
This course introduces the student to the methodology of the study of theology (Prolegomena) and the doctrines of inerrancy of the Bible, revelation, God, humanity, and the person of Christ. The biblical foundation and the relevant historical developments are considered in construction of a Christian understanding of each doctrine
Credits - 3
This second course in systematic theology introduces the student to the doctrines of the work of Christ, salvation and the Christian life, the Holy Spirit, the church, and last things (eschatology). The biblical foundation and the relevant historical developments are considered in developing a comprehensive statement of Christian teaching concerning construction of a Christian understanding of each doctrine. It is highly suggested that students take TH 200: Systematic Theology I before taking this course, but it is not required
Credits - 3
This course investigates the essence of Christianity and the nature of its defense. Analyzes various approaches with emphasis on developing a personal apologetic that is biblically sound and internally consistent.
Credits - 3
This course studies major ethical teachings of the Bible with attention to their practical and contemporary application. Addresses the theme of Christian responsibility in today’s world, based on the premise that biblical interpretation is not complete until the teachings of the Bible inform the life situation of the student.
Credits - 3
A survey of the major cults impacting contemporary American culture and a comparative study of the major religions of the world.
Credits - 3
This course elective is reserved for advanced theological topics not offered on a normal semester basis. Prerequisites: TH 201: Systematic Theology 1 and TH 301: Systematic Theology 2 or Approval by the Professor.
Credits - 3
1605 Danielson Road Kalispell, MT 59901
Mon - Thu 8:00AM - 4:00PM
where every degree has a biblical foundation.