High school graduates seeking admission for a degree program must have successfully completed their high school education. These individuals should provide proof of their high school diploma or equivalent. Upon acceptance, they will be enrolled in the regular degree program.
View the Full Admissions Process
A transfer student is defined as a student seeking admission to MCC who has formally attended another college or university. College transfer students should consult the Registrar’s Office concerning the acceptability of transfer credit before enrolling in MCC courses. No D grades will be accepted in the major, minor, or area of concentration. No F grades will be accepted for credit.
View the Full Transfer Admissions Process
Applicants from other countries seeking admission should complete all necessary admission forms as provided by the school’s Admissions Office.
View the Full International Admissions Process
Persons not seeking a degree but wishing to enroll in a class or classes for credit may be admitted upon approval of the Registrar. These individuals will be expected to have completed high school, passed the GED/HiSET, taken at least 30 transferable college credits, or earned a college degree prior to admission. If a non-degree seeking student elects to apply for admission to the regular degree program (see Admission Process), all non-degree credit will be transferred to full degree credit upon approval by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
View the Full Non-Degree Admissions Process
A student may audit a course after the following requirements have been met.
View the Full Auditing Process
Undergraduate students who have completed course work at MCC or students planning to attend MCC may request an evaluation for transfer credit from the Registrar. Transfer work can be used to satisfy a department major or minor requirement. The transfer work must first be officially accepted into MCC through the Registrar.
View the Full Transfer Credits Process
1605 Danielson Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
Email: info@montanacc.edu
Mon - Thu 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
where every degree has a biblical foundation.